Recording the Audiobook for The Twenty-Ninth Day

I love reading books, but I especially love listening to audiobooks. I’ve compared it to watching a movie. The experience is different from reading words on the page, but both types of media offer a distinct and wonderful way to experience a book.

Since writing my own, I’ve wondered who might narrate my audiobook. The person performing the narration is a crucial part—literally the voice of the book— and the way they read influences how you experience it. In my mind, an audiobook narrator has to have the skills and talents to perform the reading the book, but they also have to fit the story.

Writing The Twenty-Ninth Day was a deeply personal experience. After my bear attack, I spent years thinking through what had happened, trying to process it. When it finally came time to put it to paper, I dug deep at memories to piece together something that might transport readers and bring them along with me. The result is a memoir that I hope provides the immediacy and adventure of being immersed in a wilderness adventure where things go right, and where things go wrong.

When it came time to work on production of the audiobook for The Twenty-Ninth Day, we looked for a narrator whose voice would fit the story. There are many talented and enthralling audiobook narrators, but the producers at Blackstone asked if it was something I’d be interested in tackling. I’d considered doing the reading before, and I was humbled and appreciative that they wanted me to take a shot. I knew that it would be a difficult process, not only to perform a reading of the entire book, but also to relive the details of the bear attack and make them real in audio. As hard as that would be, it felt right to be the voice of my book. I recorded an audition and got the job.

We worked with Sacred Heart Music Center in Duluth for the recording. I spent 3 days holed away in a little closet with just a microphone and my iPad, reading The Twenty-Ninth Day. It’s been an intense experience, but very rewarding. I relived it once more, and not in the fits and starts of editing, but straight through from start to finish, mentally processing it once more and again feeling the catharsis of making it through and surviving.

Soon, we’ll be finishing production, and the editors at Blackstone will be mastering the recording into the final product. The audiobook will be released on November 12, along with the hardcover. You can preorder either one at the following affiliate links.

If you’re in Duluth, MN this fall I’ll be celebrating the Book Launch of The Twenty-Ninth Day with the good folks at the Fitgers Bookstore on launch day, November 12, in the Fitgers complex in Duluth. Sign up for my newsletter to get more details.


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